
They've Got Methods Of Keeping You Clean

I'm just trying to make my way. Just pushing for the things I believe. Just stepping over cracks and crevices to avoid pitfalls. But the pitfalls keep happening and the best laid plans keep falling through and I begin to wonder if there might be an easier way. Is there an easier way to live this. Am I doing things right? Am I setting myself up for the biggest pitfall of all? This cannot be derailed, I won't let it. But does it ever feel like you've had just a few too many things not go your way? Just a step over the line of how much stress you can handle? I went over that line in the past couple weeks. I am seriously stressed. I am losing my mind with stress. I need a car so i can get a summer job that I want. I need to get rid of my old car. I need to issue a writ against the guy who wrecked my car. I need to find somewhere to live until the proper living conditions that I want come along. I need money for Coachella. I need to figure out what to do for Valentines. I need to eat. I need to sleep. I need to relax..but I can't. I just can't relax.


Anonymous said...

It's ok buddy. You always pull thru, I look to you a lot of the time to get thru. So you must be doin it right man! May not seem like it now (and ya shits hittin the fan), but once everything gets as bad as it possibly can, that's when something good happens.

Bean said...

I know how ya feel, it'll get better, I promise *hugs* Miss hanging out with ya buddy.

Martha said...

I love you. Deep breaths, the stress cant last forever.

VivaLaPinto said...

I expect you to accept AKA's offer of couch-ness if you end up needing it! I mean it! You show up whenever you need, and we'll get you set up super comfy, ok? You know we're always here for you when you need it.

Jenny said...

Perhaps Grandma NASA could offer you some advice. She knows all after all :)

I feel for ya - it will get better it always does !!!!!!!

Take care and when all else fails just scream. you may get wierd looks, but you'll probably feel better :D

tashalaughs said...

go dancing at 70! always makes me forget about my problems hehe