
From Barbara...

Fingers: Jordan Davies
Chin: odaanb dxazvis
One Finger With Eyes Closed: jorsdav davisd
Cheek: o4v5rdzq1hy ecd nmcx
Elbow: jordan dasvioers
Palm: jortdfan dfaviersd
Back of Hand: jordan davies
Nose: jordan davies

Thank god for protruding knuckles and an accurate nose :)

It's Back

Well I finally recovered my username, hopefully I won't forget it again. Only three weeks left of work YAY!! Then a two week vacation before work starts. I'm getting my license and my car so it's all good!! I don't get to see Trish enough and I guess having Jen here will make it even more of a challenge to have alone time. Persist we must though. I'm sick but I refuse to believe it's whooping cough although it might be a lesser version due to the fact that I've been vaccinated against it. Hopefully everyone will recover so we can finish the South Pacific run with a bang. I'm finally starting to get into my chorus role. The last show I did was great. My personal best for sure. I can't wait to have a vacation though. Counting down to Aug. 20th.