
Why Should I Worry? Why Should I Care?

The countdown to school is frickin' on and I just know these last weeks are gonna drag out to no end. I didn't get my tattoo fixed today due to the fact that it hasn't completely healed yet. bummer. So September 17th is the next day we're gonna try and get this thing fixed. I submitted the design for the next one as well (sorry mom). I can at least swim for the rest of the summer so that's a bonus. I can't wait to get back in class. In other news I've started kinda seeing someone. I really like her so here's hoping this one pans out. One month tomorrow I see John Mayer!!! YAY! I'm so stoked.

Anybody know where to get a huge CD wallet in this town? went to A&B Sound and Future Shop today and couldn't find any. crazy.


Jamers said...

Congrats, man ... all the best to you (and she).

As for the CD wallet, I'd try WalMart, HMV, and The Source.

Gotta go, cya lata.

Queen of Hearts said...

*hiss* walmart

... if you are going to walmart, and can;t find one in electronics.. check in the isle with the photo albums,( down from the candles and around all the crayola stuff) becuase there are some ablums with picture cd's, however i'm not sure how many they carry.


VivaLaPinto said...

I know who you're dating...

neiner neiner neiner

Anonymous said...

Me 2 :) obviously.

Laura said...

winners in woodgrove mall has them

Pineapple Princess! said...

Im gunna call you in the next couple of days to get darcy's number. Partly cuz hes cute, but MOSTLY because I really only know like.... 6 people in that whole city, and the more people I know, the better. Is that cool?

Joe Guitar said...

for sure.

tashalaughs said...

update, goddammit!

Anonymous said...

Meh, Take Your Time Man.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Alleah, I Love You 2 lol

Trish said...

The source, 24 bucks, ish, hold 224 CDs. :) And yeah, frickin update so we can all creep inside your head a little more! It's fun in there (whilst visisting, lol)