To The Cowardly Anonymous Person Commenting On My Blog
Please go away. I don't need your opinions or judgements of the things I do. The decision to get a tattoo lies in my hands and no one elses. I'm sure my mother would not be pleased with my choice to get a tattoo and I didn't need to ask her opinion since that opinion is already known to me. If my Mother were to somehow sanction me for getting a tattoo it would be an extremelly shallow thing to do in the face of "unconditional love". If you are a member of my family taking a jab at me then please reveal who exactly you are so that I can know exactly who is judging me for making a choice to do something to my body. Getting a tattoo is not a shame. This tattoo is representative of my family's history and my own personal beliefs. I believe there are worse things to get tatooed to yourself than something that says "For Good, For Glory, Good Is Enough". How dare you tell me to never take my shirt off in front of her? If she truly loves me she should accept and respect the choices I have made even if she does not agree with them. I am an adult and as such have control of my own life.
EDIT: This poem just got Poem Of The Day on a site I belong to. I almost forgot I had written it it was so long ago. So here's one from the past...
Born Again Sun
by J. P. Davies
Down by the docks
fishermen throw
depleted stocks down
onto weathered cedar.
Seagulls avengingly swoop,
diving to reclaim
trinkets of their sea.
While staring sightless
into new oceans of sky
fish cry out the morning.
And all the while
a young girl skips out, back again;
Chasing a tide
that will forever identify
lost innocence and memory.
Memories will roll
ashore in orbit with years.
An eternal fog bank in which
she can swirl herself, conceal
what she has become, in swaths
of misty cherub wings.
Forever preserving a promise,
sweet singing angels for tomorrow,
she can hide and live here.
Ever upon a shore,
of life,
of pulsating breaths.
Spilling over walls of sand,
years of deposition,
she will remember these times, these days.
Born again sun,
she rides out upon
waves of eternity.
They help to carry her home.
so what happened exactly? and i agree with you on the whole is my body fuck off idea...i have family memembers that dont like it but they never disowned me or anything
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That anonymous comment is harsh. Obviously the author never learned that there is a time and a place for everything. Your blog is not the place for comments/opinions like that, but for general comments and thoughts about the thoughts, writings, and musings you decide to share. Whomever it is that said those things, is clearing looking for a way to beef up their self-esteem by attempting to deflate yours. Shame on THEM!
Good on you for standing up for yourself, Jordan.
Hope everything in your life is going well.
Take it easy.
wow nuts to that person...augh.. reading that makes me angry about all the stupid ignorant people in the world who think they are right aidasljhalskjh
i'm pretty sure we are all on your side hahaha,,, woo
WTF? Waht a douche. Who the hell are they to talk to you that kinda stuff?
about^... wow. I suck at typing. lol
*shrug* people always try to stir up trouble on peoples blogs. Like on the failing blog way back when. Thats why Barb changed it so that you had to be a member to comment. I guess theyre just bored or something. I wouldnt take anything to heart. Whats one anonymous guy compared to all your friends who support you?
It was actually my sister. She sent me an email about it.
Wow. Um, er ... wow. I don't have a sister, so I don't quite understand. Oh well. As long is it gets worked out -- in the end that's all that matters.
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