
"If you ever feel enchanted..."

So I recorded "Want Me More" today, well most of it anyway. It's still minus a solo, and bass and drum parts. But what I got down is pretty stellar. It's stuck in my head right now so it must be pretty catchy. It's so nice to record songs, It's one of the greatest feelings ever to listen to something that you've entirely created. It must be what artists feel when they look at the final version of their painting.

I'm really bored right now, I should be doing my English essay revisions but that just doesn't appeal to me. So I'll just sit here at the computer eating a mountain of perogies and reading random peoples blogs. My favourite blogs are the ones where people post found pictures and notes and stuff. I think that's really cool. Finding other peoples pictures is so interesting because as the old axiom goes they are worth a thousand words. But if you have no context then they can be really funny. I think perogies are the greatest food of all time.

So me and T are almost comeletely back together, it feels so right when we're togteher. But there's still that little fucking voice whispering in my ear about the freedoms of being single. I wonder sometimes if getting back with T is just the easy solution. I'm afraid the same old issues will keep resurfacing. And by the way what the fuck does Lisa know about anything? How dare she try and weigh into a situation that is none of her buisness and then smile to my face? Bitch.


  1. She wasn't trying to insult you or Trish. She was trying to cheer me up. And I did tell her there was more to the situation than she knew, and that I deserved what I was getting.

  2. thanks barb... and i appologize, i meant nothing by w/e i did. just smack me up side the head the next time i try to meddle in anyones business.

  3. I've decided thee is nowhere's near enough scandal on this blog. You haven't even mentioned the Crucible!!! I demand entertainment of the drama variety!

  4. that was Alleah, btw.
