
Someone Else's Star

If life were like a fairy tale wouldn't we all get bored? Maybe stop trying so hard at everything. And if one perfect moment led into the next perfect time then maybe all we would have is sorrow. So maybe I can't give you the stars, you don't see how lucky we are. If the reflection's of love could dazzle your eyes so blind then your not really seeing anything at all are you. Have you stopped looking because I haven't. I still believe in you more than anything else. Jealousy was never your strong suit and it's an ill-tailored one at that. Well maybe not jealousy, perhaps just envy. And if I could stand screaming and yelling it wouldn't ring as loud as one moment of percieved silence. So if you take your eyes from the stars and look what you picked up from the ground. Maybe you'd realize just how thankful he is for what you did, and who you are. I'm sorry if I'm not what you wanted, I'm just me. The flawed goods you restored are still here deep down and they look at you the same way. Someone else isn't living your stars, your star is just living for you, and you can't see it.

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