
In The Middle

I am letting go of all of this. I let things get way out of hand and said some things I really didn't mean over the last little while. It's amazing what you will say to someone in a text message or on MSN that you would never be able to say to their face. There is no emotion in a text based arena. You're throwing punches at a wall and getting nothing but broken fingers in return. I'm sorry for the things I've said. There's no excuse for being so abrasive.

In other news Devin officially DJed the entire night tonight at 70 below and kicked fucking ass. The dance floor was packed all night long. The people were rallying to the sound of a new DJ force in town. I'm so proud of you dude. That's how to take your opportunity and own it.


  1. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Thank you Jordan, that means so much to me. At the end of the day your opinion is pretty well at the top of my list! I've been on a role recently with different things, and I owe a a lot of it to you! You're my brother, and I love you. Tonight was the start of something man, I said it before, I'll say it again!

  2. I'm glad we've moved on from this at least a little. Theres mending to still do, but eventually we'll get back on our feet.

  3. yay devin *dances for him*

  4. Oh Devin, my little DJ... you kick so much ass!
    And oh Davies, my little dance partner... you also kick much ass!

  5. Davies! I meant to call you before you left... oops...
    Anyway, you must drop me a line when you get back in town so we can hang out, watch a game and whatnot.
    I hope you're having a BLAST!
