
To Obtain A Bird's Eye, Is To Turn A Blizzard To Breeze

In time this will be known as "the good years" or "the colossal waste". We waste our time chasing frivalities while our dreams go un-lived or goals go unachieved, our world is reduced in size to the most narrow of circles. And as we flitter away our time we keep telling ourselves that "it's the journey not the destination that matters". So we'll toss our love away at the slightest hint of affection. We'll throw our bodies into substance and excess to prove we're "living life to the fullest". We are generation now. We see our parents growing old and frail and we hate them for it. We are the culture of youth, wrinkles are not wlecome here. You better live fast sweetheart because your time is almost over. We see ourselves as a generaton of artists and scholars. But we will never learn how to fend for our own food, build our own shelter, or fight everyday for survival. In one century we have become the opposite of our fore-fathers. Some think hard work is something that should not be demanded of them. Some think that they should run the joint in their first year on the job. Well wake up kids our lives of prviledge and excess are running tragically short. We are standing near the pinnacle of a babylonian tower just waiting to be struck down for our pride. We are living in the sunday afternoon of the industrial revolution. Pretty soon we won't have to carry 12 hunks of electronics around with us, they will be individually compartmentalised and inserted into our living flesh. We will automate and improve until the human body will no longer need to lift anything heavier than a spoon. We will sit in our luxury until one day we cease to remember a day when we thought for ourselves. A day when our thoughts struck outwards and our bodies followed; and in that stagnant swamp of comfort and mediocrity the human race will be replaced with fat fleshy organisms sucking on tubes. Our limbs will become vestigial; we will cease to be animals but merely brains encapsulated in flesh, basking in the glory of the automatic world we have created. And on that day...we will have failed. We will have surrendered to everything anyone ever told us we wanted. All the things that would make our lives so much "easier". We will fall. We will fail. And we will die.


  1. I think you winter blahs are combining with mood altering substances to cause such emotions in you, brother. Very bradburian ideas. I do love the image of sucking tubes though, that's damn fine word play. I think though you need to replace we with I. After all this is a blog about you and your emotions. If you fear this future why not fight for a different now?

  2. Anonymous12:45 AM

    sounds hot!

  3. thats so...wow. it;s sad that alot of those points are true. some really stick out ...mmmmmmm*sad*


  4. not me. never ever me.

  5. quite thought provoking !

    interesting read
    thanks :D
