
Waiting On The World To Change

So Jordan is officially mobile as of today. Went and put insurance on my car, and then picked up Tasha and headed up to Errington. Visited Ky for a bit, he was looking decidedly squirrelly and apparently was punched in both eyes by the Orthodontist. ;) Apres A-Frame, headed to Coombs where Tasha and I wandered around and ate grapes and played stickball and talked. it was nice. She was decidedly sexy today having a heart monitor strapped to her chest with lotsa wires sticking out. "Top Drawer!!" Yeah so drove back to Nanaimo while Tash slept in the passenger seat. Drpped her off at home, went to Canadian Tire and bought a rear-view mirror that actually works. Headed to my dad's place and used his heat gun and some goo-gone to scrape off the palm tree decals on my cars windows. They are no more. Installed my new mirror. I can see out the back now yay. Then headed home. All in all a pretty butt kicking day in general. I think i might go swimming. hmmm. Or maybe for a workout at mal. yeah that's more likely. Later y'all.

UPDATE: Went to the gym for a bit. My new rear-view doesn't want to stay on so I have to get more adhesive to try and make it work. Crap. Anyway, life is good. If a little confusing.


  1. yes i am a little worse for wear....wish i felt more upto going out

  2. Anonymous10:27 PM

    How come i didnt merit a visit?

  3. Cuz I don't know where you live and i don't have your number

  4. let us all have a moment of silence for the palm tree decals.

    ok, done.

  5. Anonymous5:15 PM


    point taken. though probably when you were driving around i was at work :P
