
15 Honest Thoughts About 15 People

1. I respect you more than anyone but only recently have I been able to crack the shell of your self-defensive attitude. You are the kind of person I could see being long-term friends with.

2. Your maturity level is not what you think it is. You have a lot of growing up to do.

3. I have no respect for what you did, and you should be overwhelmingly relieved you somehow got away with it. You have an ego that doesn't match your abilities. Learn some modesty and you might just achieve something.

4. You are genuine and kind-hearted, everyone likes you, and you deserve it. I just wish you'd be more serious about plans you make with people. If you keep not showing up it could jeporadize our friendship.

5. You are too nice for your own good. Everyone needs intimacy, I think you need to let people in past the facade. I'd give anything to know what you're really like deep down.

6. You are in a hurry to get your life going and you're missing the scenery along the way. Slow down and enjoy your youth while you have it. Make some mistakes you'll be better for it.

7. You need to cheer up and realize that you have friends who love and support you. There is more to life than what you have been dwelling on. I think when you change your focus what you've been striving for will come to you.

8. Stop sending me Christian propaganda. I made my choice years ago and the “christian message” is not what I need in my life. I miss you and I hope you're well, I love you.

9. What kind of monster did you turn into, we used to be so close and then you became completely egotistical and threw it all away. We used to have such a good time, where did the fun-lover go?

10. You are so enthusiastic about your own realizations about the world and adopting concepts that others have come up with you are starting to lose your own identity. Step back from the gimmicks and take your insights as just that. Your moments of clarity need not be broadcasted to raise your own esteem.

11. You need to stop being his defender he is old enough to do that himself now. You have to recognize the weaknesses in your friends in order to better understand their strengths.

12. I wonder where you are, you obviously couldn't care less.

13. You need to stop apologizing for everything you do and get some therapy for your completely depressed self-depricating attitude, it's not that we don't like you we just get depressed whenever your around.

14. You need to get off your ass and get out of the house and stop living in regrets. Be less selfish and lower your ego you might have more friends and less aquaintances. You need to pursue your goals rather than stating them and seeing the path and never taking the first steps towards them. You are strong (and you know it) but maybe it's time to show a little weakness and humility.

15. You need to grow up...fast. Stop relying on others and stand on your own two feet.


  1. Hm...... I can't pick out any of them. Is there theatres in there?

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    hee hee i started a trend :P

  3. yep there's theatres

  4. Anonymous10:32 PM

    im wondering who some are and if i have them right hmmm i like all this honesty from everyone ^_^

  5. Ok, Fine! I'll stop sending you Christian propoganda!

    But don't be surprised if you start receiving subscriptions of Downbeat magazine! (check out Wes Montgomery transcriptions!)

    What is the holiest of all chords?

    Get it?

  6. Oh Meesh I love you.

  7. hmm, I think I know who three, five, and thirteen are. Am I fourteen? Cause I think you may have a point there if I am.

  8. :O hahaha! I didn't know you could do them about yourself!!!

  9. Anonymous6:35 PM

    out of curiosity... am i 15?

    coz i know i seemed to rely on others a lot this past school year... o.O

  10. I for one thought a certain girl who went back home recently was number fifteen.

  11. I'm not telling any but 14

  12. Anonymous10:20 PM

    I think I know 12, I'm pretty sure I know 2, and 14 I picked from the get go :P

  13. Anonymous10:21 PM

    In any event, this is both cool and haunting and a tad like playing god.... all in all looks like fun, nice trend...

    - 0.5E ;)

  14. pretty sure you know how to spike people's curiosity. i don't even know you at all and i'm like, hmmm, maybe he thinks i'm a bad person and i'm number so and so hahahaha... and then drink some chocolate milk and leave you this random comment.
