
Just A Step Past Indecision

This is not really a post more of a ramble. If you're reading this you must have run out of good blogs to read and finally decided to check mine. Well guess what? It's not gonna get any better. This is just the spot where all the mumbo jumbo in my mind comes out. Thought for today. . . How do you give a depressed person constructive criticism if depressed people naturally dwell on the negative things they perceive you think about them? Should I lie, should I just stick to the positives and not offer suggestions or criticisms? Hmmm. Today was interesting. Went to my dad's for Easter dinner. We had lamb, jambalaya, and a New Orleans salad. I ate some brocolli and remarked, "Hmmm, tastes like work." Wonderful, nicely stated boy-o. Oh well easter chocolate eggs are tre awesome. Willenium party turned out to be pretty fun. A girl was hitting on me and I totally snubbed her unintentionally. whoops. I guess it's just that I wasn't looking for anyone so I didn't really catch on. Smart Boy Jordan.


  1. I figure (about the constructive critisism thing) you just present it in a way that tries to be negative about the action, but not the person. Like for instance, "You have to stop being such a slut, Alleah, you are so much better than that." Then descirbe the qualities they have that you admire, and that make the thing that they did seem stupid in light of who they are.

    Did that make sense?

  2. Heheheh. Snubbed her. Rock on. Talking with depressed people blows. I find swearing at them and cutting through their shit with angry motivation works best, as un-good as that may sound. Good luck.
