
Put On Your Sunday Clothes

Perhaps an introduction first. If you don't know me my name's Jordan and I'm extremely odd. That's about all you need for now, as this goes on you'll see the extent. Not much happened today. Trish came over and we hung out then went to Tim Hortons for lunch before my Dad drove us up to rehearsal in Parksville where we reviewed a bunch of stuff that I already know perfectly well and I was starting to get pissed off because we were going over the same shit like thirty times and I got it right the first time. bah.

Then we ran the entirety of Act 1, I really hate this play (South Pacific)!! It blows. the cast is great and I like working on it, but the actual show is so longwinded it makes me want to scream. The songs drag on FOREVER and never seem to say anything new just keep repeating themselves over, and over and over, while we in the background stand there looking like complete idiots while the soloist goes into fits of semi-poetic wordy trash. The whole show has no defining message, the music is completely uninspired. I don't know how this became a classic. It's BORING!! So Boring.

The worst thing is that I am having trouble balancing bertween work and the show. I never had this problem last year but this year it's fucking with me. I'm working like a dog and trying to reahearse a show around it, and it's driving me insane. I just want school to start in September so I can finally just focus on one thing and not have so many demands and not enough time for them all. I am tired and all I want to do is just cut everything off but I can't all I can do is just bear with it and hope to ride it out and come away semi-healthy on the other side.

Tomorrows an office move so therefore I have a complete lack of weekend. Oh well the rehearsal was survived, and here I am, back at home wishing I had more 19+ year old friends to go out and have a beer with me. Oh well such is life I guess. I'm running low on funds because I have no way to get to the bank, and my lame boss decided to not leave my cheque for me yesterday so I have to wait 'til tomorrow when the banks open and I actually have my next cheque in order to have some money in the bank. Not that I'll have much, as most of it will end up in a savings account towards tuition and books and shit.

I really want a new tube amp too. But I suppose a new acoustic that doesn't kill my fretting hand is more important than that. And school is a little more important than that so the GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) will have to wait. I love my Dad's new guitar it puts any other acoustic to shame. I will own it one day, but in order for that to happen my dad would have to kick it. So I can wait 40 or so years I guess. Maybe I'll buy one for myself before then eh?

Oh well just more random shit in the life of your favourite narcissist.



  1. the way you feel about "South Pacific" sounds like how I feel about "Phantom of the Opera" too many reprises makes for one annoying production.

    this is Alleah, btw! come check out my blog, and leave comments--lots and lots of comments...! *drool*

  2. PS: I just realized I forgot to leave the addy: www.funwithpinto.blogspot.com
